Mon 27 Jan
👊BUlLT👊★➋🌟 PLEASE ❌⭕ WiTH◯UT ★A🌟 D◯UBT ❌★Big BOOTY★IN T◯WN❌⭕❌⚪ D◯NT ★MiSS o🌟◯UT ✖Available Now - 22
(Bronx, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown East, Upper Manhattan, Westchester, Yankee Stadium area INZ ONLY)
Come Enjoy Year 2013 With A Beautiful Senorita Ready To Light Up Ur Night!! - 33
(Houston, 45 SOUTH // PASADENA // HOBBY)
--- STaRT ur DaY (or) End ur NiTE --- EiTHER WaY DO IT RiGHt --- THiS is a BEaUTIFUL SiGHT - 25
$70q~ HOW~*~* DO YOU~*WANT~* ~*ME??? (917) 858 3980 ~ €√€®yTh!nG G0€$~~120hr - 20
(Bronx, All Over Ynks.Mtn..Bx..Mt.V 917 858 3980)
CLiCk HERE ➜➜ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ° EXØTiC BABE👅💦👄 [[A-1 Skills]] OLDER M£N r ThE Best At Putting Me 2 THe Test😍 - 26
(Houston, Channelview, i10 e, baytown)
★ "COME and GET Pampered by Young Asian & LATINA" ★ - 22
Come & Enjoy Skilled REAL JAPANESE GIRL Lovely & Softly FULLBODY TOUCH!! 1H $49.99 / $39.99 ~ - 22
💞★ 👠{♥} █▒█{♥}COLLEGE CUTIE •:*:•█▒█STUNNING 💞 GORGEOUS •💄•🌸S E X Y BLONDE 🌷◇◆{♥💞★ █▒█{♥}:*: - 19
(Houston, Outcall to you)
Exotic, Erotic & And I Come To Your Place, Outcalls 24/7 XxX XxXXxX XxXXxX XxX
(Outcalls: Your Place)
MY ×°°× SERViCE ×°°× iS ×°°× SECOND ×°°× 2 ×°°× NONE !!!!! - 21
(Tyler, LOOP 323 AND 69)
💯👯👸Come Experience Exotic Pleasure With A Erotic Freak Like Me👸👯💯 - 23
(45N & 1960/ In/Outcalls, City of Houston, Houston)
( C.L.I.C.K H.E.R.E ) => SeXy ExOtiC EbOnY NyMpHo => $ 40 INCALL SPECIAL
~ ✶ ~ {CLICK HERE} ~ ✶ ~ Erotic Brunette!! Cuuummm play with me! ;) - 23
(Houston, Incall/Outcall Available)
buy 1 get 1 free latin DREAM GIRL 160HR 2 GIRLS 100% REAL PICS - 19
(Bronx, pelham prkw whiteplains rd)
$60 ShortStay 💋①00%ŔƐΛĿ 💜✿ K¡∫∫∑R ⓜOⓤⓣⓗ SK¡LLz ♡_♡ 🎀° EXØTiC ƒяєaķ.. JüïčÝ Jæ - 19
(Bronx, Outcalls Only i Come to You)
GV SPECIAL AVAIL. 💯%PυRε Curvy Fun All Day 💖%💯% ℛεaℓ τθρ Qυαℓιτγ TɾҽɑԵ 💖Juicy Curves _ - 25
(South Tyler, Tyler)
Brittney. ♥ 1000% real pix. (150hr 3 cups in hr)) text 500=over night )) ♡ ☆ 200/2hrs ♥♡ - 21
(Bronx, e 149 st. grand concourse)
MISS Juicy Jillian 125 hr °•* ஐ*•° tHick ThigHs.. N... ROUND B Ѽ Ѽ T Y - 24
(Tyler, longview OUTCALLS ONLY)
))) Classy ^^^ Singapore Sexy Joey ^^^ Friendly ((( Call 713-635-9091 Today @@ - 22
(Houston, Outcall Only)
☆ BRAND NEW ((( AVAILABLE NOW ))) ☆█ ☆—— ((*BOOtyLiCiOUS* )) * GORGEOUS———* EBONy MixX ——* - 22
(Bronx, Parkchester Incallz)
💋 I☆LⓞVⓔ☆WHAT☆ I ☆ÐO 💙 2 young 2 be SO SKiLLeD 🌠 SERVING u all ur WILDEST DREAMs🌠 CALL ★ NOW - 28
(Longview, Tyler)
IRRESISTABLE *•.❤* ▒ ▓ ___.❤ #1 NO COMPETITION .❤ ❤BRUNETTE__ ▓ ▒ * ❤.•* SWEETHEART▓ - 2 - 21
(Tyler, tyler texas)
PASSION the New Woman In town!!! call now an SCHEDULE outcall!!!? - 21
(Tyler, Outcall to tyler all areas in tyler)
;.•°*ClUb ClOsIn? *CoMiN FrM Da AfTaHrS?* §tIlL TuRnTd Up n DoNt WaNnA Go Home?ThAtS Y Im HeRe*°•.; - 22
(Houston, S.EAST Side*610*S.Main)
BEST TOP IN THE BRONX !!! WHITE Blond Big Bootie Barbie - 23
(Bronx, south bronx and harlem outcalls)
CLICK HERE ===>>>====== GRAND OPENING = == ===NEW ========== SEXY ASIAN GIRLS ========= ==== ==== - 23
(11316C westheimer rd~BEST HEALTH CENTER)
Brand New Pics$$ Sweet like honey.... Good as gold...Temptation u can't resist - 26
(Denton, North DFW, Texoma, Texoma,,,Thackerville,,,Ardmore)
CHINA!!!! WOW!!! CHINA!!! HOT ASIAN.... luv to play!! CALL ME!!!!!!!TrY CHINA!!!!NO SPA JUST ME!!! - 20
Colombian Princess (OUTCALLS ONLY) - 23
(City of Houston, Galveston, Webster, Dickinson, Houston, Missouri City, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land)
CLICK ___ If __You __ Are __ Looking __ For __ A __ Good __ Time ___ CLICK - 21
(Houston, West Houston/Highway 6)
~ China ~ Sunday Funday ~ juicy ~ Naughty ~ Pure Fun ~ CuRv¥ ~ FlIrTy - 26
(45 s .. fuqua.. beltway.. Houston area, City of Houston, Houston)
Corsicana 📷〰💄💅Beautiful German💏Juicy💦💦 SuDuctive Booty 🍑With the Body of a Godess😘 - 26
(2148541996 CORSICANA ONLY, Mid Cities)
*~ BUSTY 38 DD's *~ {5*0} Specials All Day *~ Sweet * Sexi * Safe* Let's Play {5*0} - 37
50specials70 PuErToRiCaN thick Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever 1917 736 8726 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 167 grandconcourse area)
Chance of Rain Today 50% .... Chance of Meeting a Sexy, Sweet, Willing, Lady 100% .... :-) - 28
(Upscale Midtown Location)
🌴🌴🌴 BooTy LoVerS PaRAdiSe 🌴🌴🌴 SuPA *JiGGly AZz*AZz AZz O!LED & Re@dy 2 B~ SL@Pped *❤* - 24 - 24
(Tyler, South Tyler)
Hot sexy petite blonde Addisonbrookes an sexy experienced brunette Heather U PICK!! - 23
(Tyler, Longview)
h°T fUn $P€c][aL§ «°» 60**80**100 U.N.R.U.S.H.E.D. - 26
(Tyler, LONGVIEW! Gladewater! Kilgore! ONLY)
💋👀Let Me Ease Your Mind💆😪Sweet , Seductive📲Very Upscale☺ - 23
(Tyler, Tyler ,longview,gladewater,all surroundi)